The Power of Positive Thinking?

TODAY: Order your copy of Think Like a Black Belt on Amazon TODAY and receive hundreds of dollars worth of powerful personal growth resources from America’s leading experts! Click here for details!

“This isn’t a ‘power of positive thinking’ manual. There are plenty of those; some are great, and others frankly suck. The fact is that thought is not enough; results are a product of thought converted to action. If you want to accomplish something, you’ve got to get off your ass and actually do something!

“Positive thought is an essential ingredient in positive action. You don’t need to be a Master or a genius to know that. How much do you accomplish when you’re in a negative mindset? Positive thought opens your mind to possibility. Open yourself to the endless possibilities around you and you greatly increase your probability of success.” From Think Like a Black Belt.

So why do people with negative attitudes sometimes achieve great success?

I have to answer with a question: Do they? Realistically, some people do seem to achieve great levels of success despite the fact that they’re miserable pricks that nobody likes. Some of them are frankly evil, and that’s not meant as a joke.

How are you measuring their success? Money is a part of the success equation; you’ve got to have enough. How much is enough is up to you, but be cautious in your belief that someone else is successful just because that person has a lot of money- or political power or a leadership position in business. Ask yourself also if that person has meaningful relationships and friendships. Does he feel a sense of purpose or value beyond his own needs and interests? Is there any sense of connection with the world in a larger context?

A negative attitude is not necessarily reflective of poor work ethic, ambition or talent. Some really rotten people are very smart, talented and work really hard. Those are the ingredients for attaining material wealth.

Others may be manipulative, socially adept and powerful. That can certainly result in popularity, social and business advancement, titles and corner offices.

To be truly happy you’ve got to have enough money, enough friends, and enough connection with a purpose greater than yourself so that you feel you’ve got some value and purpose in life- for yourself and for others. That’s difficult if not impossible to accomplish with a chronic negative attitude.

A positive attitude is no guarantee of success. It does open your mind and heart to the possibilities and increases the probability that you’ll build the relationships necessary for a happy and successful life.

Most importantly, it’s a much nicer way to go through the day!

National Think Like a Black Belt Week Update: What a great week so far! This has truly been an amazing experience. Tonight is the climax with our big “Roast & Release” party to celebrate the official launch of the book and my 25th anniversary in martial arts. Click here for links to all this week’s media appearances and events.

TODAY is the best day to order your copy of Think Like a Black Belt at Order today and receive hundreds of dollars in free gifts from some of the experts I admire most. Follow this link for complete details!

THINK LIKE A BLACK BELT is a much needed roundhouse kick to laziness and complacency for those of us who need that spark to make our dreams come true. Jim understands masterfully the age old premise that you have to THINK your way to a better life…by turning thoughts into positive action. Don’t just sit there…do something! Like reading this book, for starters! THINK LIKE A BLACK BELT will change the way you view success and bring your goals closer than they have ever been. No matter where you are in life, this book will nudge you along to the next level. A better you is just a few thoughts away.”

Spencer Hughes
Host of FOX ACROSS AMERICA, Foxnewstalk on XM & SIRIUS

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  1. I love this post because it can be a let down when we see bad people win. We see it all the time. Look, there’s a person who is mean & rude…oh, now she has a reality TV show. Look, that guy took his company and the country to the brink of bankruptcy….oh, he has a golden parachute for doing such a terrible job. It seems bad behavior is rewarded more and more.

    But then there are people like you. Genuine. Caring. Giving. Wise.

    You inspire, and show us that good guys win too! And we root you on all the way.

    Congrats on your book and your well deserved success.

    • Mary-Lynn, thanks too much for the kind words. You and George are likewise inspirations in my life…and is a tremendous service!

      The day we met on Facebook was truly a blessing!

      Best thoughts always!

  2. It’s true. Money is just a part of success, but it is not success. Power is a part of it, too. The core-key of success is a mix of relationship, money and meaning of life, that is purpose. In order to become greater than himself. I observe that Bouchard’s doctrine, so essential and straight, is linkable to the hero’s journey accroding Campbell’s thinking. Is this note true? Best

    • It’s an honor to be linked to one of my heroes, Joseph Campbell! Everyone can be heroic in life. Watch for upcoming posts where we’ll discuss courage and confidence.


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