Positive thinking––means or ends?

Smile Business WomanAnother study just concluded that positive thinking does not necessarily produce greater results.

For years research has concluded that positive thinking alone does not make you more productive, more successful––or even happier. You’ve got to align your thinking with realistic goals, a clear plan, and productive action to produce tangible results.

Why “think positive” when people who don’t bother produce relatively the same results?

Because it’s not the means––it’s the objective.

It was no accident that the greatest declaration of personal freedom ever produced included “the pursuit of happiness” as one of our three most precious rights of man. Happiness––positivity is the goal, not just a way to achieve it.

While a positive attitude might not guarantee the results you’re looking for, what, really, is the alternative? To go through every day with a crappy, lousy attitude that alienates other people and drives you to the depths of depression?

The problem with many of these studies, as I see it, is that they’re focused on the productive output of human capital. That is––research is usually centered on the usefulness of attitude as it relates to tangible productive output.

I hate the term “human capital.” We’re talking about PEOPLE!

What is seldom factored in are the long term consequences of ignoring people’s sense of happiness, contentment or positivity at work. The effects of negativity, however, are well documented.

In a work environment where people are mostly negative and pessimistic, far less work gets done. There is little if any innovation. There are higher degrees of work related health problems, stress and anxiety. There are lower levels of loyalty and trust.

No––a positive attitude does not guarantee productivity, but a pervasive negative attitude can certainly erode it.

It’s about balance.

It’s about finding a degree of satisfaction and happiness in your work while preserving a health sense of reality and making sure that your positive attitude inspires productive action.

Most important is the fact that you spend a huge part of your life at work. Once again––means or ends?

Is your positive attitude simply a means to achieving some distant, tangible goal? Or––is your positive attitude a reward in itself?

For my money, I’d much rather work with a positive attitude most of the time and do work that makes me happy.

I didn’t need another study––I know through experience that positivity is no guarantee of outcome. I’ve also learned, however, that when I achieve, I feel much more positive.

Given the choice on any given day––I’ll choose positive. And that’s a much more rewarding outcome.

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1 Comment

  1. I think its helpful, but You Must Take Action ! – In “the pursuit of happiness”, remember that the meaning of “pursuit” is the key….it’s a chase, a hunt, a search and these are all very active things we must do to get from here to there.

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