The Anti-Success Movement

Man with MoneyWhat is our problem with success?

Why, more than ever, is it a liability to be wealthy––particularly if you earned it?

Why do so many successful people feel the need to downplay and hide their achievements?

In the dojo it’s customary to show respect and deference to those who have earned the Black Belt and higher degrees. Those people represent, by example, that it is possible to master a difficult skill and to overcome internal and external challenges to achieve something meaningful.

People who have earned the Black Belt are also a tremendous resource. Many martial artists go on to become Sensei. They become a valuable resource as they help others achieve Black Belt and explore their full potential.

Instead of respect for highly successful people, we suspect them––of something!

Believe me, I’m not saying there aren’t crooks in positions of power in business and politics, but as with any other group of people, the crooks are the exception, not the rule.

Most successful people earn their success.

They earn their wealth and position through hard work, discipline, focus and perseverance.

Jealousy and trash talk doesn’t get you one small step closer to your own success. You become successful by studying successful people, seeking them out as mentors and by doing what they do.

The term Sensei literally means “one who went before.” You get to Black Belt by following the example and accepting the teaching of someone who already did it.

Success in the real world is no different.

For some weird reason, the anti-success fervor really ramps up every time presidential election cycle. Wealthy or successful candidates are vilified and challenged on every dollar they’ve ever made. It’s as if wealth is a disease rather than a worthy aspiration.

Who do you want leading the U.S. government––arguably one of the largest and most complex organizations on earth?

Do you want someone who has loused up everything they’ve done?

Do you want someone who has never been successful at anything?

Do you want someone who does nothing but bitch and moan about how unfair it is that other people seem to achieve what they have not?

Of course not! You want someone who knows how to achieve––someone who knows how to get things done!
Worse are the candidates that downplay their own accomplishments. Knock it off!

Be proud of your achievement. Be proud of your wealth––as long as you didn’t steal it!

Even worse than that are candidates and leaders who have achieved a great deal yet still spend their leadership capital commiserating with those who feel disenfranchised, left behind and locked out.

If you want to help people escape the cycle of poverty and underachievement––show them how you did it!

If you’ve come from nothing, you are an example of how to do it and your achievements serve as an inspiration for others. Be the “one who went before” and share the wealth; not by giving people the proverbial fish, but by actually teaching them to fish.

When you see someone who is successful you have a couple of simple choices:

  • You can be jealous.
  • You can be suspicious.
  • You can be inspired.

Which one is going to help you become successful?

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BOOK PREVIEW: The Sensei Leader

The Sensei Leader Cover v2.1 275A preview of Jim’s next book- The Sensei Leader…

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” ~ John Quincy Adams

Who is The Sensei Leader?

The Sensei Leader is above all one who fully embraces leadership one of the fundamental expressions of human relationships.

Homo sapiens became the dominant species on our planet largely because of our ability to work cooperatively for our common protection. This quality proved much more valuable later as we developed the ability to share work and build communities.

Leadership as an essential human experience evolved as part of our instinctive collaborative nature.

We face challenges we’ve never imagined before. The world is more connected, yet people are more distant than ever before. Statistics show that we’re less violent, yet any one of us has greater capacity for destruction.

We’ve never enjoyed so much freedom, yet we’ve never been more willing to surrender our freedom for the illusion of safety and security.

Our expectations have never been greater.

Our basic human needs remain the same, but the levels we feel obligated to reach in order to feel satisfied have never been higher.

These new times require a new type of leader- a new type of leader that understands a very old type of leadership.

Like a great fighter, today’s leader has to be flexible, adaptable and fast on his feet. He needs to be able to bob and weave but also able to go toe to toe with the toughest opponent, especially when boxed into a corner.

Today’s leader cannot be limited to one leadership style…

He must be articulate in a number of styles and able to adapt to ever faster changing circumstances and conditions.

Today’s leader has to be tough- yet compassionate…

Compassionate, not weak. Compassion in the sense of sincere caring for others, but with the strength to do what is right even when it’s not comfortable, convenient, or expedient.

Today’s leader has to be a jack of all trades, Master of one or two…

He has to be proficient enough in certain areas to earn the genuine respect of followers, but at the same time must recognize that he needs to cultivate the talents and skills of others to realize the full potential of the organization or community.

Today’s leader must be confident, but humble…

… courageous yet sensitive, authoritative without being authoritarian.

Today’s leader must be a skilled communicator…

…and his communication must be sincere, honest and transparent…

Today’s leader must be tomorrow’s leader…

…able to build on the past yet perceptive- prepared for every possibility and contingency. He must be receptive to the rapid flow of new information and rapidly changing conditions and willing to act quickly to exploit opportunities.

Today’s leader must be a skilled teacher, coach and mentor…

He needs to know when to encourage and when to correct. He needs to know how to bring out the best in others and must be absolutely comfortable in training others to surpass him in talent, skill and ability.

Today’s leader leads through sharing, not accumulating.

Today’s leader can learn a lot from one of the most ancient leadership traditions…

…be the Sensei.

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Embracing the process of perfection

Jim Practicing CaneFrom THINK Like a BLACK BELT…

To a martial artist, a “kata” is never finished. A kata is a set of movements used to teach, learn, and practice martial arts movements.

A kata is never perfect…

If you’re sincere as a martial artist, a kata is always in a constant process of perfection. This isn’t a carrot and stick thing; it’s simply an acknowledgement of the wonderful human condition.

Nikos Kazantzakis said it better than I can in Zorba the Greek…

In this amazing story, the main character, Zorba, grabs life one fistful at a time. He teaches us that one’s journey is about embracing the “full catastrophe” of life. It’s about appreciating the gift of life by living to our fullest capacity in every moment. It’s accepting that the meaning of life is to create a meaning for your own life; and that’s accomplished by living it, not by accomplishing any particular goal or status and proclaiming yourself finished.

Mastering a martial art, or a business art or any other worthwhile skill is not a matter of attaining any particular title, level, or recognition.

It’s about learning and accepting this process of perfection and dedicating the rest of your life to it. It’s about living in a constant state of self-perfection where happiness doesn’t depend on satisfaction, but on the joy of the adventure. It’s about accepting challenge, pain, adversity, and hardship as partners. It’s about developing courage to face your own weaknesses and deciding to do something about it. Most of all, mastery is about taking personal responsibility for your success and happiness, while doing what it takes to get there, especially when times are tough.

There are always going to be tough times…

They may be due to decisions you’ve made and circumstances you’ve brought on yourself or due to circumstances and conditions beyond your control. No matter who you are and no matter what circumstances and conditions you’re now facing, you can create your own vision of personal and professional success and happiness; and you can achieve it. I know because I did it. More importantly, I know this because I am still doing it.

I know this as truth: If I learned to think like a Black Belt you can too!

No…it’s NOT too early…

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Post Election Trauma

business man and woman arguingAfter today’s elections, there will be two groups of people…

…winners and losers.

That’s the way it works. Within those groups, there will be several types.

First, the winners…

There will be the “touchdown dancers.”

These people will be posting sanctimonious Facebook and Twitter messages celebrating the beginning of a new age of reason and enlightenment. They will thank whatever god they worship that people have finally seen the light and that now the world will be saved from the cruel savagery we’ve experienced since the last election.

Next are the “humble victors.”

These people understand that no democratic election signals a mandate. These folks realize that their point of view earned a critical mass of support, but that there are still people out their with differing perspectives, opinions and values.

These folks are all about getting on with the work of getting on- and getting along. It’s time to put the campaign signs away and get back to work- with one another!

Which will you be?

Now for the losers…

There are the “end of the worlders.”

These folks will spend the next several weeks in a post apocalyptic daze. Their candidate’s loss or their party’s defeat prophesies the last days of civilization. The other side will no doubt drive us to ultimate destruction, poverty and enslavement.

This group publicly laments their loss of faith in humanity and they openly loathe anyone who failed to share their vision and wisdom.

Then there are the “gracious losers.”

These folks accept that despite their best efforts, things just didn’t go their way- this time around.

They accept that a majority expressed a will different than theirs. It’s now time to shake hands and start looking for common ground. They may also regroup and begin the process of analyzing their defeat and developing a new strategy with hopes for success in the future.

Which will you be?

From OurRepublicOnline…

“The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, ‘Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?’

“With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, ‘A republic, if you can keep it.’”

The binding force that keeps our republic going is- respect.

An old martial arts saying goes…

“Accept victory with humility and defeat with honor.”

If we’re going to live and work together in a democratic society, we’ve got to respect the fact that there is never an ultimate consensus. The only way we’ll continue our grand experiment in self-governance is to respect one another and embrace our ability to reconcile our differences through the democratic process.

Today you may enjoy victory or suffer defeat. Either way, it’s time to shake hands, accept the outcome and get back to work!

Have you visited Jim’s newest blog- The Sensei Leader?

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Why you should still teach your kids to do their best…anyway

Dejected Football Player Sitting in the ShowersYour son comes to you and says, “Someday, I’m going to play in the NFL.”

What do you tell him?

According to the NCAA, about 1 out of every 17 high school players will go on to play in college.

From those, 1 of 50 will be drafted to an NFL team.

That means that if you fill a big high school stadium with 10,000 NFL wannabees, about 9 of them will get drafted and have a shot at an NFL career.

So I’ll ask you again- what do you tell him?

You could just discourage the pursuit. The chances are next to nothing!

Over 300,000 players will graduate high school this year, about 250 will eventually be drafted by the NFL- and very few of them will survive training camp and actually make a living playing football.

Now if you decide to simply discourage him, that might be rational, sensible, and ultimately a safer way to go. Nobody likes to see a kid’s hopes dashed.

Your kid could get the best coaching, attend the best camps, put in 100% effort for years, never even to set foot on an NFL sideline.

But every year, someone makes it…

If that’s what your kid wants to do, I say…go for it!

I don’t sugar-coat the odds or build up false hopes or exaggerated expectations. Niether do I discourage- I simply point out that to have any chance at all, you’ve got to give your best effort…

…every single day…

…for years.

Then- maybe. But then again, maybe not.

“So what’s the use? Why should I try so hard if the odds are I won’t make it?”

“Because putting your best effort into any meaningful goal will take you places you never imagined possible, even if it’s not the place you set out for.”

Yes- use those exact words.

You create the person you’ll become by applying your best effort. You become the person you want to be by being the person you want to become.

When you’re doing your best, you open yourself to new and often unanticipated experiences, adventures and opportunities.

No matter how long the odds, if you don’t find something that engages your best effort, your future is often left to chance. The odds of disappointment are greatly increased when you’re not willing to take the long shot at your dreams.

Tell him this…

“You might not make it to the NFL, but if you do your best you’ll find something that at that moment, will be even more important to you than this is now.”

Then make sure you add…

“And if that’s what you want to do right now, I’ll do everything I can to help you get there!”

After all- someone is going to make it. Why not you?

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COMING SOON! The Sensei Leader…

The new book by Jim Bouchard, author of THINK Like a BLACK BELT

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